Table of Contents


Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor Center
ContainsPoint Extents
Expand HalfExtents
Overlap Max
Overlaps Min
Set SurfaceArea
SetInvalid Volume


Center : real3

var Center : Real3

Extents : real3

var Extents : Real3

HalfExtents : real3

var HalfExtents : Real3

Max : real3

var Max : Real3

Min : real3

var Min : Real3

SurfaceArea : real


var SurfaceArea : Real

Volume : real


var Volume : Real


Aabb : Void


Name Type Description
function Aabb()

Aabb : Void


Name Type Description
p0 aabb
function Aabb(p0 : Aabb)

Aabb : Void


Name Type Description
center real3
halfExtents real3
function Aabb(center : Real3, halfExtents : Real3)

ContainsPoint : boolean

Does this aabb contain the given point? |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|real3| |

function ContainsPoint(p0 : Real3) : Boolean

Expand : Void

Expand this aabb to contain the given aabb. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|aabb| |

function Expand(p0 : Aabb)

Expand : aabb


Creates an aabb that contains the two given aabbs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|aabb| | |p1|aabb| |

function Expand(p0 : Aabb, p1 : Aabb) : Aabb

Expand : aabb


Creates an aabb that contains the given aabb and point. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|aabb| | |p1|real3| |

function Expand(p0 : Aabb, p1 : Real3) : Aabb

Expand : Void

Expand this aabb to contain the given point. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|real3| |

function Expand(p0 : Real3)

Overlap : boolean

This function is deprecated. Use Overlaps instead |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|aabb| |

function Overlap(p0 : Aabb) : Boolean

Overlaps : boolean

Does this aabb overlap/intersect the given aabb? |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |p0|aabb| |

function Overlaps(p0 : Aabb) : Boolean

Set : Void

Name Type Description
point real3
function Set(point : Real3)

Set : Void

Name Type Description
center real3
halfExtents real3
function Set(center : Real3, halfExtents : Real3)

SetInvalid : Void

Sets this aabb to an invalid aabb (Real3.PositiveMax, Real3.NegativeMin)). This also makes expansion easier. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function SetInvalid()

ZeroOut : Void

Name Type Description
function ZeroOut()