Table of Contents


Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Clone Cog Object
Constructor DirectCog
ComputePath ErrorOnDirectLinkFail
Refresh ErrorOnPathCantCompute
RefreshIfNull ErrorOnResolveToNull
Resolve Path


Cog : cog

Setting the cog manually may recompute the path if the option is set Getting the cog will attempt to resolve the cog if we don't already have one (or if the path options is set, it will always resolve)

var Cog : Cog

DirectCog : cog

Setting the cog manually may recompute the path if the option is set Getting the cog will return whatever cog we already resolved, or null (it will not attempt to resolve)

var DirectCog : Cog

ErrorOnDirectLinkFail : boolean

Is it an exception/notification if a direct link to the object cannot be resolved?

var ErrorOnDirectLinkFail : Boolean

ErrorOnPathCantCompute : boolean

Is it an exception/notification if the path to an object cannot be computed?

var ErrorOnPathCantCompute : Boolean

ErrorOnResolveToNull : boolean

Is an exception thrown if you try to access the Cog when it's invalid or not found?

var ErrorOnResolveToNull : Boolean

Path : string

Setting the path will invalidate the object until the next call to GetCog.

var Path : String

PathPreference0 : CogPathPreference

var PathPreference0 : CogPathPreference

PathPreference1 : CogPathPreference

var PathPreference1 : CogPathPreference

PathPreference2 : CogPathPreference

var PathPreference2 : CogPathPreference

RelativeTo : cog

The cog that we compute paths relative to.

var RelativeTo : Cog

UpdateCogOnInitialize : boolean

Whether the cog path attempts to resolve an object when the object is fully initialized.

var UpdateCogOnInitialize : Boolean

UpdateCogOnPathChange : boolean

When we set the cog path, should we try and resolve the object (this also detects parse errors)

var UpdateCogOnPathChange : Boolean

UpdatePathOnCogChange : boolean

When we set the cog, should we try and recompute a path to the object?

var UpdatePathOnCogChange : Boolean


Clone : cogpath

Creates a new copy of a cog path (since cog paths are reference counted and shared) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Clone() : CogPath

CogPath : Void


Name Type Description
function CogPath()

CogPath : Void


Name Type Description
function CogPath( : CogPath)

CogPath : Void


Name Type Description
path string
function CogPath(path : String)

ComputePath : string


Computes a path from one object to another (or an absolute path if specified - 'from' can be null) If computing the path fails, this will return an empty string. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |from|cog| | |to|cog| | |pref|CogPathPreference| |

function ComputePath(from : Cog, to : Cog, pref : CogPathPreference) : String

Refresh : boolean

Returns true if the object changes, false otherwise. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Refresh() : Boolean

RefreshIfNull : boolean

Returns true if the object changes, false otherwise. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function RefreshIfNull() : Boolean

Resolve : cog


Resolves a cog from a path and a a relative object (or null for absolute paths) Returns null if it fails to find the cog, and will not throw an exception or assert. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |startFrom|cog| | |path|string| |

function Resolve(startFrom : Cog, path : String) : Cog