Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) Controls an object's movement using joints. This allows creating a physics based character controller that reacts to physics (joints, forces, collisions, etc...). The motor controls relative velocity with respect to a target object frame.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor Active component
MoveInDirection MaxMoveImpulse


Active : boolean

Should physics restrict the movement of this object?

var Active : Boolean

MaxMoveImpulse : real

What is the max impulse allowed for controlling movement.

var MaxMoveImpulse : Real


DynamicMotor : Void


Name Type Description
function DynamicMotor()

MoveInDirection : Void

Attempts to move the body in the given direction. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |direction|real3| | |up|real3| |

function MoveInDirection(direction : Real3, up : Real3)

SetReferenceFrameToObject : Void

Compute the relative velocity with respect to a target object. Used to control movement on moving platforms. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |object|cog| |

function SetReferenceFrameToObject(object : Cog)

SetReferenceFrameToWorld : Void

Compute relative velocity with respect to the world. Used to signify that an absolute world speed is desired. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function SetReferenceFrameToWorld()