Table of Contents


Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Play BufferScanRate soundnode
SetSound GrainDelay
Stop GrainDelayVariance


BufferScanRate : real

The rate at which the synthesizer scans the buffer as it creates grains. A value of 1.0 will move through the audio data at the same rate as it would normally be played, 0.5 will move at half speed, and -1.0 will move at normal speed backward. A value of 0.0 will make the synthesizer repeat the same audio continuously.

var BufferScanRate : Real

GrainDelay : integer

The number of milliseconds to wait before playing another grain.

var GrainDelay : Integer

GrainDelayVariance : integer

The variance for randomizing the grain delay, in milliseconds.

var GrainDelayVariance : Integer

GrainLength : integer

The length of a grain, in milliseconds.

var GrainLength : Integer

GrainLengthVariance : integer

The variance for randomizing the grain length, in milliseconds.

var GrainLengthVariance : Integer

GrainPanningValue : real

The value used to pan the grains left or right. A value of 0 will be heard equally from the left and right, 1.0 will be heard only on the right, and -1.0 will be only left.

var GrainPanningValue : Real

GrainPanningVariance : real

The variance for randomizing the grain panning value.

var GrainPanningVariance : Real

GrainResampleRate : real

The rate at which grains resample their audio data. A value of 1.0 will play normally, 0.5 will play at half speed, and -1.0 will play at normal speed backward. Cannot be 0.

var GrainResampleRate : Real

GrainResampleRateVariance : real

The variance for randomizing the grain resample rate.

var GrainResampleRateVariance : Real

GrainVolume : real

The volume modifier applied to the grains.

var GrainVolume : Real

GrainVolumeVariance : real

The variance for randomizing the grain volume.

var GrainVolumeVariance : Real

RandomLocationValue : real

The value for controlling how many grains have randomized starting positions in the audio. A value of 0 will be completely sequential, while 1.0 will be completely random.

var RandomLocationValue : Real

WindowAttack : integer

The window attack time, in milliseconds. Does not have an effect on some windows.

var WindowAttack : Integer

WindowRelease : integer

The window release time, in milliseconds. Does not have an effect on some windows.

var WindowRelease : Integer

WindowType : GranularSynthWindows

The type of window, or volume envelope, used for each grain.

var WindowType : GranularSynthWindows


Play : Void

Starts playing new grains. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Play()

SetSound : Void

Sets the Sound resource that will be used for the grains, along with an optional start and stop time. If the stopTime is 0.0, all audio from the Sound will be used. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |sound|sound| | |startTime|real| | |stopTime|real| |

function SetSound(sound : Sound, startTime : Real, stopTime : Real)

Stop : Void

Stops playing new grains but continues to play current ones. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Stop()