Table of Contents

Resource Graphics

(NOTE) Data that represents a mesh in the way that is intended to be used by graphics hardware.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
CreateRuntime Indices Resource
RuntimeClone PrimitiveType
Upload Vertices


Indices : indexbuffer


Indices used to define non-sequential primitive construction from vertices, such as shared vertices.

var Indices : IndexBuffer

PrimitiveType : PrimitiveType

The type of primitives to be made with the vertex data.

var PrimitiveType : PrimitiveType

Vertices : vertexbuffer


Vertex data and attribute semantics for defining data that can be uploaded to the gpu.

var Vertices : VertexBuffer


CreateRuntime : mesh


Makes an anonymous Mesh resource that can be defined by script and uploaded to the gpu. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function CreateRuntime() : Mesh

RuntimeClone : mesh

Creates a clone of this Mesh. As a clone is expected to be modified, an upload function must be called before this mesh can be used. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function RuntimeClone() : Mesh

Upload : Void

Upload vertex buffer and index buffer data to the gpu. This will also build the aabb and information needed for raycasting. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Upload()

UploadNoRayCastInfo : Void

Same as Upload except raycasting information will not be built. This avoids a possible spike when a custom mesh will never need to be raycasted against. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function UploadNoRayCastInfo()

UploadNoRayCastInfoOrAabb : Void

Same as Upload except raycasting information and the aabb will not be built. This should be used when the user is manually setting an aabb or frustum culling is disabled. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function UploadNoRayCastInfoOrAabb()