Table of Contents


(NOTE) Applies either ring or amplitude modulation to audio generated by its input SoundNodes.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Frequency soundnode


Frequency : real

The frequency of the sine wave used for the modulation.

var Frequency : Real

UseAmplitudeModulation : boolean

If this property is true, the node will apply amplitude modulation (multiply the audio input with a unipolar sine wave with values from 0.0 to 1.0). If false, the node will apply ring modulation (multiply the input with a bipolar sine wave with values from -1.0 to 1.0).

var UseAmplitudeModulation : Boolean

WetPercent : real

DEPRECATED The WetValue property should be used instead.

var WetPercent : Real

WetValue : real

The percentage of the input (0 - 1.0) which should have the modulation applied to it.

var WetValue : Real
