Table of Contents

Component Gameplay

(NOTE) Defines a new basis for a desired right, up, and forward vector. Provides a bunch of helper functions to change between these spaces and to perform simple look-at behavior.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
ComputeSignedAngle AbsoluteAngle component
DebugDrawBases DefaultOrientationBases
GetLookAtDirectionRotation GlobalUp
GetLookAtDirectionWithUpRotation LocalForward
GetLookAtPointRotation LocalOrientationBasis
GetLookAtPointWithUpRotation LocalRight
LookAtDirection LocalToOrientationRotation
LookAtDirectionWithUp LocalToWorldRotation
LookAtPoint LocalUp
LookAtPointWithUp OrientationForward
Constructor OrientationRight
SetLocalLookAtRotation OrientationToLocalRotation
SetWorldLookAtRotation OrientationToWorldRotation


AbsoluteAngle : real


Get the angle of the object about the up vector.

var AbsoluteAngle : Real

DefaultOrientationBases : OrientationBases

var DefaultOrientationBases : OrientationBases

GlobalUp : real3

The world-space up vector to use for LookAt operations that don't take an up vector.

var GlobalUp : Real3

LocalForward : real3


The orientation's forward vector after having been transformed into local space.

var LocalForward : Real3

LocalOrientationBasis : quaternion

A local-space basis that represents this orientation. If you build a basis from an up of (0, 1, 0), and a forward of (0, 0, -1) then this should result in the identity rotation.

var LocalOrientationBasis : Quaternion

LocalRight : real3


The orientation's right vector after having been transformed into local space.

var LocalRight : Real3

LocalToOrientationRotation : quaternion


The rotation that takes an local space vector into orientation space. For example, this transforms LocalRight into OrientationRight.

var LocalToOrientationRotation : Quaternion

LocalToWorldRotation : quaternion


The rotation that transforms a vector from local space into world space. For example, this transforms LocalRight into WorldRight.

var LocalToWorldRotation : Quaternion

LocalUp : real3


The orientation's up vector after having been transformed into local space.

var LocalUp : Real3

OrientationForward : real3


The forward vector in orientation space. This is always the vector (0, 0, -1) but is provided for clarity with transformations.

var OrientationForward : Real3

OrientationRight : real3


The right vector in orientation space. This is always the vector (1, 0, 0) but is provided for clarity with transformations.

var OrientationRight : Real3

OrientationToLocalRotation : quaternion


The rotation that takes an orientation space vector into local space. For example, this transforms OrientationRight into LocalRight.

var OrientationToLocalRotation : Quaternion

OrientationToWorldRotation : quaternion


The rotation that takes an orientation space vector into world space. For example, this transforms OrientationRight into WorldRight.

var OrientationToWorldRotation : Quaternion

OrientationUp : real3


The up vector in orientation space. This is always the vector (0, 1, 0) but is provided for clarity with transformations.

var OrientationUp : Real3

WorldForward : real3


The orientation's forward vector after having been transformed into world space.

var WorldForward : Real3

WorldRight : real3


The orientation's right vector after having been transformed into world space.

var WorldRight : Real3

WorldToLocalRotation : quaternion


The rotation that transforms a vector from world space into local space. For example, this transforms WorldRight into LocalRight.

var WorldToLocalRotation : Quaternion

WorldToOrientationRotation : quaternion


The rotation that takes an world space vector into orientation space. For example, this transforms WorldRight into OrientationRight.

var WorldToOrientationRotation : Quaternion

WorldUp : real3


The orientation's up vector after having been transformed into world space.

var WorldUp : Real3


ComputeSignedAngle : real

Compute the rotation angle between two vectors (in radians) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |up|real3| | |forward|real3| | |newVector|real3| |

function ComputeSignedAngle(up : Real3, forward : Real3, newVector : Real3) : Real

DebugDrawBases : Void

Debug draws the current orientation bases in world space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function DebugDrawBases()

GetLookAtDirectionRotation : quaternion

Gets the forward to look in the given direction. Keeps the current world up. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookDir|real3| |

function GetLookAtDirectionRotation(lookDir : Real3) : Quaternion

GetLookAtDirectionWithUpRotation : quaternion

Same as GetLookAtDirectionRotation but allows the user to specify the up vector. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookDir|real3| | |up|real3| |

function GetLookAtDirectionWithUpRotation(lookDir : Real3, up : Real3) : Quaternion

GetLookAtPointRotation : quaternion

Get the rotation so that the forward will look at the given point. Keeps the current world up. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookPoint|real3| |

function GetLookAtPointRotation(lookPoint : Real3) : Quaternion

GetLookAtPointWithUpRotation : quaternion

Same as GetLookAtPointRotation but allows the user to specify the up vector. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookPoint|real3| | |up|real3| |

function GetLookAtPointWithUpRotation(lookPoint : Real3, up : Real3) : Quaternion

LookAtDirection : Void

Sets the forward to look in the given direction. Keeps the current world up. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookDir|real3| |

function LookAtDirection(lookDir : Real3)

LookAtDirectionWithUp : Void

Same as LookAtDirection but allows the user to specify the up vector. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookDir|real3| | |up|real3| |

function LookAtDirectionWithUp(lookDir : Real3, up : Real3)

LookAtPoint : Void

Sets the forward to look at the given point. Keeps the current world up. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookPoint|real3| |

function LookAtPoint(lookPoint : Real3)

LookAtPointWithUp : Void

Same as LookAtPoint but allows the user to specify the up vector. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lookPoint|real3| | |up|real3| |

function LookAtPointWithUp(lookPoint : Real3, up : Real3)

Orientation : Void


Name Type Description
function Orientation()

SetLocalLookAtRotation : Void

Set the transform's local rotation such that the orientation's basis vectors will be aligned with the given rotation (assumed to be a look-at rotation constructed from a right, up, and forward) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |localLookAtRotation|quaternion| |

function SetLocalLookAtRotation(localLookAtRotation : Quaternion)

SetWorldLookAtRotation : Void

Set the transform's world rotation such that the orientation's basis vectors will be aligned with the given rotation (assumed to be a look-at rotation constructed from a right, up, and forward) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldLookAtRotation|quaternion| |

function SetWorldLookAtRotation(worldLookAtRotation : Quaternion)