Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) A controller for a high speed physics based car. The car is controlled with a steer, gas, and brake scalar. The car will raycast wheel positions to try to keep the wheels on the ground and then apply friction and normal forces to propel the car.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
NumberOfWheelsInContact Active component
Constructor AntiLockBrakes


Active : boolean

Whether or not the car will run any logic at all. If this is false wheels will not work, they will not behave as springs, drive, or anything else.

var Active : Boolean

AntiLockBrakes : boolean

Prevents the car from entering dynamic friction when applying brakes. If the brake would start to skid, the brake force is clamped to the max amount that will not slip.

var AntiLockBrakes : Boolean

Brake : real

How much the brake is being pressed [0,1] where 1 is full brake.

var Brake : Real

DebugDraw : boolean

Whether or not the car should debug draw.

var DebugDraw : Boolean

Gas : real

How much the gas is being pressed [-1,1] where -1 is full reverse.

var Gas : Real

GripScalar : real

Artificially increases the grip of the car (where 2 is twice the grip). The total grip scalar is computed as CarGripScalar * WheelGripScalar so the total car can be easily tweaked while allowing individual wheel tweaks.

var GripScalar : Real

MaxSpeed : real

The desired maximum speed of the car. Similar to a speed governor.

var MaxSpeed : Real

MaxTorque : real

The maximum torque the engine can apply to try to reach the max speed.

var MaxTorque : Real

Steer : real

How much the wheel is being steered. This is measured in radians about this object's y-axis.

var Steer : Real

TorqueGovernor : boolean

Governs the max torque that the engine can apply. This is used to keep the wheels from spinning out (slipping) when too high of a torque is applied. If the tires would slip, the engine will apply the maximum torque for the tires to not slip.

var TorqueGovernor : Boolean

WheelCogs : carwheelarray


Read-only array of wheels belonging to this car.

var WheelCogs : CarWheelArray

WheelFrictionFrontRollCoef : real

Coefficient used to apply the forward friction force closer to the car's center of mass. 1 applies the force at the wheel position, 0 applies the force at the point along the contact normal closest to the center of mass.

var WheelFrictionFrontRollCoef : Real

WheelFrictionSideRollCoef : real

Coefficient used to apply the side friction force closer to the car's center of mass. 1 applies the force at the wheel position, 0 applies the force at the point along the contact normal closest to the center of mass.

var WheelFrictionSideRollCoef : Real


NumberOfWheelsInContact : integer

The number of wheels currently in contact with an object. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function NumberOfWheelsInContact() : Integer

PhysicsCar : Void


Name Type Description
function PhysicsCar()