(NOTE) A random object that contains its own unique random state apart from all other instances of this class.
Methods | Properties | Base Classes | Derived Classes |
BellCurve | MaxInt | component | |
BellCurveDistribution | RandomSeed | ||
BellCurveRange | Seed | ||
Bool | |||
CoinFlip | |||
DieRoll | |||
DoubleRange | |||
DoubleReal | |||
DoubleRealVariance | |||
Float | |||
FloatVariance | |||
Int | |||
IntVariance | |||
Probability | |||
Quaternion | |||
Constructor | |||
Range | |||
RangeExclusiveMax | |||
RangeInclusiveMax | |||
Real | |||
Real2 | |||
Real3 | |||
RealVariance | |||
Rotation | |||
UnitReal2 | |||
UnitReal3 | |||
UnitVector2 | |||
UnitVector3 | |||
Vector2 | |||
Vector3 |
MaxInt : integer
The max integer value that can be returned.
var MaxInt : Integer
RandomSeed : boolean
var RandomSeed : Boolean
Seed : integer
Seeds the random number generator.
var Seed : Integer
BellCurve : real
Samples a bell curve with standard normal distribution in the range [0,1] This is equivalent to a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation of 1. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function BellCurve() : Real
BellCurveDistribution : real
Samples a bell curve in the range [center - range, center + range] with the given standard deviation. Around 68% will lie within the 1st standard deviation. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |center|real| | |range|real| | |standardDeviation|real| |
function BellCurveDistribution(center : Real, range : Real, standardDeviation : Real) : Real
BellCurveRange : real
Samples a bell curve with in the range [center - range, center + range] This uses a standard deviation of 1. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |center|real| | |range|real| |
function BellCurveRange(center : Real, range : Real) : Real
Bool : boolean
Returns a random bool value. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Bool() : Boolean
CoinFlip : boolean
Returns true if the coin flips heads. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function CoinFlip() : Boolean
DieRoll : integer
Randomly rolls a number in the range [1, sides]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |sides|integer| |
function DieRoll(sides : Integer) : Integer
DoubleRange : doublereal
Name Type Description doublereal doublereal function DoubleRange( : DoubleReal, : DoubleReal) : DoubleReal
DoubleReal : doublereal
Returns a random double real in the range [0,1]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function DoubleReal() : DoubleReal
DoubleRealVariance : doublereal
Name Type Description doublereal doublereal function DoubleRealVariance( : DoubleReal, : DoubleReal) : DoubleReal
Float : real
Returns a random float in the range [0,1]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Float() : Real
FloatVariance : real
Returns a float in the range [base - variance, base + variance]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |base|real| | |variance|real| |
function FloatVariance(base : Real, variance : Real) : Real
Int : integer
Returns a random int in the range of [0, MaxInt]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Int() : Integer
IntVariance : integer
Int in the range [base - variance, base + variance]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |base|integer| | |variance|integer| |
function IntVariance(base : Integer, variance : Integer) : Integer
Probability : boolean
Takes a given probability that we get a true value. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |probOfTrue|real| |
function Probability(probOfTrue : Real) : Boolean
Quaternion : quaternion
Random unit length quaternion. This is also a unit quaternion. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Quaternion() : Quaternion
RandomContext : Void
Name Type Description function RandomContext()
Range : real
A random float in the range [min,max]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |min|real| | |max|real| |
function Range(min : Real, max : Real) : Real
RangeExclusiveMax : integer
Int in the range [min, max) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |min|integer| | |max|integer| |
function RangeExclusiveMax(min : Integer, max : Integer) : Integer
RangeInclusiveMax : integer
Int in the range [min, max]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |min|integer| | |max|integer| |
function RangeInclusiveMax(min : Integer, max : Integer) : Integer
Real : real
Returns a random real in the range [0,1]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Real() : Real
Real2 : real2
Randomly generates a Real2 with its length between min and max. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |minLength|real| | |maxLength|real| |
function Real2(minLength : Real, maxLength : Real) : Real2
Real3 : real3
Randomly generates a Real3 with its length between min and max. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |minLength|real| | |maxLength|real| |
function Real3(minLength : Real, maxLength : Real) : Real3
RealVariance : real
Returns a real in the range [base - variance, base + variance]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |base|real| | |variance|real| |
function RealVariance(base : Real, variance : Real) : Real
Rotation : quaternion
Random rotation quaternion. This is the same as calling Quaternion() |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Rotation() : Quaternion
UnitReal2 : real2
Generates a unit length Real2. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function UnitReal2() : Real2
UnitReal3 : real3
Generates a unit length Real3. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function UnitReal3() : Real3
UnitVector2 : real2
Generates a unit length Vec2. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function UnitVector2() : Real2
UnitVector3 : real3
Generates a unit length Vec3. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function UnitVector3() : Real3
Vector2 : real2
Randomly generates a Vec2 with its length between min and max. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |minLength|real| | |maxLength|real| |
function Vector2(minLength : Real, maxLength : Real) : Real2
Vector3 : real3
Randomly generates a Vec3 with its length between min and max. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |minLength|real| | |maxLength|real| |
function Vector3(minLength : Real, maxLength : Real) : Real3