Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) Regions are used to make PhysicsEffects affect a region of space. Any effects attached to a Cog with a Region will apply to all objects in contact with this region.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
DispatchEvent WakeUpOnEffectChange component


WakeUpOnEffectChange : boolean

Determines if all objects in the region should be woken up when an effect is changed. Used to make sure that changes in effects will be applied to an object event if it is asleep.

var WakeUpOnEffectChange : Boolean


DispatchEvent : Void

Dispatches an event to all objects in this region. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |eventId|string| | |toSend|event| |

function DispatchEvent(eventId : String, toSend : Event)

Region : Void


Name Type Description
function Region()