(NOTE) Controls settings on all tagged SoundInstances.
CompressorAttack : real
The time, in milliseconds, for the filter to ramp to full effect after the input reaches the threshold.
var CompressorAttack : Real
CompressorKneeWidth : real
The knee width of the filter, in decibels.
var CompressorKneeWidth : Real
CompressorRatio : real
The ratio of the compression applied by the filter.
var CompressorRatio : Real
CompressorRelease : real
The time, in milliseconds, for the filter to ramp from full effect to off after the input drops below the threshold.
var CompressorRelease : Real
CompressorThreshold : real
The threshold, in decibels, at which the volume is affected by the filter.
var CompressorThreshold : Real
Decibels : real
The volume adjustment, in decibels, applied to all tagged instances.
var Decibels : Real
EQBand1Gain : real
The volume adjustment applied to frequencies within the band centered at 150 Hz. Positive values will boost these frequencies while negative values will reduce them.
var EQBand1Gain : Real
EQBand2Gain : real
The volume adjustment applied to frequencies within the band centered at 600 Hz. Positive values will boost these frequencies while negative values will reduce them.
var EQBand2Gain : Real
EQBand3Gain : real
The volume adjustment applied to frequencies within the band centered at 2500 Hz. Positive values will boost these frequencies while negative values will reduce them.
var EQBand3Gain : Real
EQHighPassGain : real
The volume adjustment applied to frequencies above 5000 Hz. Positive values will boost these frequencies while negative values will reduce them.
var EQHighPassGain : Real
EQLowPassGain : real
The volume adjustment applied to frequencies below 80 Hz. Positive values will boost these frequencies while negative values will reduce them.
var EQLowPassGain : Real
InstanceCount : integer
The number of SoundInstances currently associated with this SoundTag.
var InstanceCount : Integer
InstanceLimit : real
If this value is greater than zero, SoundCues with this SoundTag will only play if the number of tagged SoundInstances is less than this number.
var InstanceLimit : Real
Instances : soundinstancerange
This allows you to get all currently tagged SoundInstances. Using a foreach loop, you can access any SoundInstance functionality on each of the tagged instances.
var Instances : SoundInstanceRange
Paused : boolean
Setting this property to true will pause all tagged instances. Setting it to false will resume playback.
var Paused : Boolean
TagForDucking : soundtag
If this property is not null, the selected SoundTag will be used to trigger this SoundTag's compressor.
var TagForDucking : SoundTag
UseCompressor : boolean
If true, the SoundTag's compressor settings will be applied to the tagged SoundInstances.
var UseCompressor : Boolean
UseEqualizer : boolean
If true, the SoundTag's equalizer settings will be applied to the tagged SoundInstances.
var UseEqualizer : Boolean
Volume : real
The volume adjustment applied to all tagged instances.
var Volume : Real
EQSetAllBands : Void
Sets all equalizer band gain values at once. The parameters are in order from the lowest band to the highest. The last parameter is the number of seconds to interpolate the values over. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |lowPass|real| | |band1|real| | |band2|real| | |band3|real| | |highPass|real| | |timeToInterpolate|real| |
function EQSetAllBands(lowPass : Real, band1 : Real, band2 : Real, band3 : Real, highPass : Real, timeToInterpolate : Real)
InterpolateDecibels : Void
Interpolates the SoundTag's Decibels property from its current value to the value passed in as the first parameter, over the number of seconds passed in as the second parameter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |decibels|real| | |interpolationTime|real| |
function InterpolateDecibels(decibels : Real, interpolationTime : Real)
InterpolateVolume : Void
Interpolates the SoundTag's Volume property from its current value to the value passed in as the first parameter, over the number of seconds passed in as the second parameter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |value|real| | |interpolationTime|real| |
function InterpolateVolume(value : Real, interpolationTime : Real)
StopSounds : Void
Stops all currently tagged SoundInstances. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function StopSounds()
TagSound : Void
Adds a new SoundInstance to this SoundTag. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |instance|soundinstance| |
function TagSound(instance : SoundInstance)
UnTagSound : Void
Removes a SoundInstance from this SoundTag. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |instance|soundinstance| |
function UnTagSound(instance : SoundInstance)