Table of Contents


(NOTE) A spline built from control points. Bakes out the curve using an error term (distance from actual spline). Provides an interface to sample the curve at a given arc-length distance in order to provide constant speed interpolation.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Clone BakedPoints referencecountedeventobject
Create Closed
DebugDraw ControlPoints
ForceRebuild Error
RebuildIfModified SplineType
SampleDistance TotalDistance


BakedPoints : splinebakedpoints


The read-only curve points baked out to line segments using the provided error.

var BakedPoints : SplineBakedPoints

Closed : boolean

Does the spline loop back on itself?

var Closed : Boolean

ControlPoints : splinecontrolpoints


The control points used to bake out the curve.

var ControlPoints : SplineControlPoints

Error : real

The max number of units that a line segment is allowed to deviate from the curve.

var Error : Real

SplineType : SplineType

The kind of spline (Linear, BSpline, CatmullRom). Determines how the control points affect the curve.

var SplineType : SplineType

TotalDistance : real


The total arc-length of the curve. Use to normalize the curve if you wish.

var TotalDistance : Real


Clone : spline

Create a new copy of this spline. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Clone() : Spline

Create : spline


Create a new instance of a spline. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Create() : Spline

DebugDraw : Void

Draw the baked points of the curve with the provided color. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |color|real4| |

function DebugDraw(color : Real4)

ForceRebuild : Void

Forcibly rebuild the baked points from the control points. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function ForceRebuild()

RebuildIfModified : Void

Rebuild the baked points from the control points if they have changed. Should not need to be manually called unless the user wants to control the timing when the points are baked. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function RebuildIfModified()

SampleDistance : splinesampledata

Samples the curve at a given arc-length distance. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |distance|real| |

function SampleDistance(distance : Real) : SplineSampleData

SampleNormalized : splinesampledata

Samples the curve with a time in the range of [0, 1]. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |time|real| |

function SampleNormalized(time : Real) : SplineSampleData