(NOTE) Transform component class. The transform component provides the position, rotation and scale of an object.
EulerAngles : real3
The rotation of the transform as an Euler angle vector in radians.
var EulerAngles : Real3
LocalRotation : quaternion
Local rotation relative to parent.
var LocalRotation : Quaternion
LocalScale : real3
Local Scale relative to parent.
var LocalScale : Real3
LocalTranslation : real3
Local Translation relative to parent.
var LocalTranslation : Real3
Parent : transform
var Parent : Transform
Rotation : quaternion
Local rotation relative to parent.
var Rotation : Quaternion
Scale : real3
Local Scale relative to parent.
var Scale : Real3
Translation : real3
Local Translation relative to parent.
var Translation : Real3
WorldMatrix : real4x4
var WorldMatrix : Real4x4
WorldRotation : quaternion
Rotation in World Space.
var WorldRotation : Quaternion
WorldScale : real3
Scale in World Space.
var WorldScale : Real3
WorldTranslation : real3
Translation in World Space.
var WorldTranslation : Real3
RotateAnglesLocal : Void
Rotate object in local space by the given Euler angle vector (in radians). |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |angles|real3| |
function RotateAnglesLocal(angles : Real3)
RotateAnglesWorld : Void
Rotate object in world space by the given Euler angle vector (in radians). |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |angles|real3| |
function RotateAnglesWorld(angles : Real3)
RotateAround : Void
Rotate around a given point with the given rotation. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |point|real3| | |rotation|quaternion| |
function RotateAround(point : Real3, rotation : Quaternion)
RotateLocal : Void
Rotate object in local space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |rotation|quaternion| |
function RotateLocal(rotation : Quaternion)
RotateWorld : Void
Rotate object in world space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |rotation|quaternion| |
function RotateWorld(rotation : Quaternion)
SetEulerAnglesXYZ : Void
Sets the rotation of the transform by the given Euler angles in radians. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |xRadians|real| | |yRadians|real| | |zRadians|real| |
function SetEulerAnglesXYZ(xRadians : Real, yRadians : Real, zRadians : Real)
SetRotationBases : Void
Generates a rotation matrix from the given bases. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |facing|real3| | |up|real3| | |right|real3| |
function SetRotationBases(facing : Real3, up : Real3, right : Real3)
Transform : Void
Constructor / Destructor. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function Transform()
TransformNormal : real3
Transforms a local normal (direction) into world space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |normal|real3| |
function TransformNormal(normal : Real3) : Real3
TransformNormalInverse : real3
Transforms a world normal (direction) into local space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |normal|real3| |
function TransformNormalInverse(normal : Real3) : Real3
TransformNormalLocal : real3
Transforms a normal by the local matrix (ignores parent's transform) Needed now because there is no quaternion times vector in script. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |normal|real3| |
function TransformNormalLocal(normal : Real3) : Real3
TransformPoint : real3
Transforms a local point into world space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |point|real3| |
function TransformPoint(point : Real3) : Real3
TransformPointInverse : real3
Transforms a world point into local space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |point|real3| |
function TransformPointInverse(point : Real3) : Real3
TransformPointLocal : real3
Transforms a point by the local matrix (ignores parent's transform) |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |point|real3| |
function TransformPointLocal(point : Real3) : Real3