DirectorySeparator : string
Gets the character(s) used for separating directories and files. This value is often different depending on the operating system (generally either '/' or '')
var DirectorySeparator : String
ExecutableDirectory : string
The directory the executable lives with in (exe, elf...). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result.
var ExecutableDirectory : String
ExecutableFile : string
A path directly to the executable itself (exe, elf...).
var ExecutableFile : String
TemporaryDirectory : string
Temporary files should be placed here. This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result.
var TemporaryDirectory : String
UserDocumentsDirectory : string
User saved data that the user can backup or modify should be placed here (read/write/create permissions should be allowed). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result.
var UserDocumentsDirectory : String
UserLocalDirectory : string
Application saved information should be placed here (read/write/create permissions should be allowed). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result.
var UserLocalDirectory : String
WorkingDirectory : string
A directory that all relative paths start resolving from. In general the changing of the working directory is discouraged because it may affect assumptions of the host application. This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result.
var WorkingDirectory : String
AddTrailingDirectorySeparator : string
Pass in a directory path with or without the separator and this will add it at the end (if needed). Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups'
Name Type Description p0 string function AddTrailingDirectorySeparator(p0 : String) : String
ChangeExtension : string
Changes the extension of a path (with file name at the end) to a new extension. If the file has no extension, then this will automatically add the extension to the end. The extension is allowed to contain a leading dot '.' character (or not). The path is also allowed to contain a trailing dot '.' character (or not). Example: ('Content\Player.png', 'jpg') results in 'Content\Player.jpg' Example: ('Content\Player', 'jpg') results in 'Content\Player.jpg' Example: ('Content\Player.', '.jpg') results in 'Content\Player.jpg'
Name Type Description p0 string p1 string function ChangeExtension(p0 : String, p1 : String) : String
CombineDirectories : string
Combines directory paths and directories names together (empty entries are skipped). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result. Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', '', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string function CombineDirectories(dir0 : String, dir1 : String) : String
CombineDirectories : string
Combines directory paths and directories names together (empty entries are skipped). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result. Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', '', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string dir2 string function CombineDirectories(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, dir2 : String) : String
CombineDirectories : string
Combines directory paths and directories names together (empty entries are skipped). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result. Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', '', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string dir2 string dir3 string function CombineDirectories(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, dir2 : String, dir3 : String) : String
CombineDirectories : string
Combines directory paths and directories names together (empty entries are skipped). This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result. Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content', '', 'Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string dir2 string dir3 string dir4 string function CombineDirectories(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, dir2 : String, dir3 : String, dir4 : String) : String
CombineDirectoriesAndFile : string
Combines directory paths, directories names, and a single file name together (empty entries are skipped). Because we are combining a file name at the end, this will not result in a trailing directory separator. Example: ('Content\Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content\Powerups', '', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content\Player.png') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content\Player.png'
Name Type Description dir0 string fileName string function CombineDirectoriesAndFile(dir0 : String, fileName : String) : String
CombineDirectoriesAndFile : string
Combines directory paths, directories names, and a single file name together (empty entries are skipped). Because we are combining a file name at the end, this will not result in a trailing directory separator. Example: ('Content\Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content\Powerups', '', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content\Player.png') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content\Player.png'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string fileName string function CombineDirectoriesAndFile(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, fileName : String) : String
CombineDirectoriesAndFile : string
Combines directory paths, directories names, and a single file name together (empty entries are skipped). Because we are combining a file name at the end, this will not result in a trailing directory separator. Example: ('Content\Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content\Powerups', '', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content\Player.png') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content\Player.png'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string dir2 string fileName string function CombineDirectoriesAndFile(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, dir2 : String, fileName : String) : String
CombineDirectoriesAndFile : string
Combines directory paths, directories names, and a single file name together (empty entries are skipped). Because we are combining a file name at the end, this will not result in a trailing directory separator. Example: ('Content\Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content\Powerups', '', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('Content', 'Powerups', 'Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups\Recharge.png' Example: ('C:\Sandbox', 'Content\Player.png') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content\Player.png'
Name Type Description dir0 string dir1 string dir2 string dir3 string fileName string function CombineDirectoriesAndFile(dir0 : String, dir1 : String, dir2 : String, dir3 : String, fileName : String) : String
GetCanonicalizedPathFromAbsolutePath : string
Changes all directory separators to be the current operating system directory separator, removes duplicate separators, and removes '..' and '.' from the paths. Canonicalized is only guaranteed to work on absolute paths. This behavior is operating system dependent and may call the related OS functions. Example: ('C:/Sandbox//Engine/../Content/./Player.png') results in 'C:\Sandbox\Content\Player.png'
Name Type Description p0 string function GetCanonicalizedPathFromAbsolutePath(p0 : String) : String
GetComparablePathFromAbsolutePath : string
First this normalizes the path, then if the operating system is case insensative, it will make the path all lowercase so that it compares. Example: ('C:\Sandbox\Engine..\Content.\Player.png') results in 'c:\sandbox\content\player.png'
Name Type Description p0 string function GetComparablePathFromAbsolutePath(p0 : String) : String
GetDirectoryName : string
If a file path is passed in, this will return the name of the parent directory. If a directory path is passed in (ending in a separator), this will return the name of the directory. A directory path without a trailing separator is abiguous with a file that has no extension. In this case, we always assume it is a file and therefore get the parent directory's name. Example: ('Content\Powerups\Recharge.png') results in 'Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content' Example: ('Content') results in ''
Name Type Description p0 string function GetDirectoryName(p0 : String) : String
GetDirectoryPath : string
If a file path is passed in, this will return the parent directory. If a directory path is passed in (ending in a separator), this will return the directy back with no modifications. A directory path without a trailing separator is abiguous with a file that has no extension. This will always include a directory separator at the end of the result. In this case, we always assume it is a file and therefore get the parent directory's name. Example: ('Content\Powerups\Recharge.png') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content' Example: ('Content') results in ''
Name Type Description p0 string function GetDirectoryPath(p0 : String) : String
GetExtensionWithDot : string
Returns only the extension of a file (everything after the last dot, including the dot). If the file has no extension then this will return an empty string. Example: ('Content\Player.png') results in '.png' Example: ('Content\Player.') results in '' Example: ('Parent.Directory\Log') results in ''
Name Type Description p0 string function GetExtensionWithDot(p0 : String) : String
GetExtensionWithoutDot : string
Returns only the extension of a file (everything after the last dot, not including the dot). If the file has no extension then this will return an empty string. Example: ('Content\Player.png') results in 'png' Example: ('Content\Player.') results in '' Example: ('Parent.Directory\Log') results in ''
Name Type Description p0 string function GetExtensionWithoutDot(p0 : String) : String
GetFileNameWithExtension : string
Returns only the file portion of a path (everything past the last separator including the extension). Example: ('Content\Player.png') results in 'Player.png' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in '' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Powerups'
Name Type Description p0 string function GetFileNameWithExtension(p0 : String) : String
GetFileNameWithoutExtension : string
Returns only the file portion of a path (everything past the last separator excluding the extension). Example: ('Content\Player.png') results in 'Player' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in '' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Powerups'
Name Type Description p0 string function GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p0 : String) : String
IsRelative : boolean
Returns true if a path has no root (such as a volume/hard drive specifier, or unix like systems a beginning slash). Even a beginning slash that means 'relative to the current working directory volume' is still relative. Empty paths will return that they are relative. Example: ('C:\Sandbox\Engine..\Content.\Player.png') results in 'false' Example: ('Sandbox') results in 'true' Example: ('Content\Powerups\Recharge.png') results in 'true' Example: ('/usr/Content/Player.png') results in 'false'
Name Type Description p0 string function IsRelative(p0 : String) : Boolean
RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator : string
Pass in a directory path with or without the separator and this will remove it from the end (if needed). Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups' Example: ('Content\Powerups') results in 'Content\Powerups'
Name Type Description p0 string function RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator(p0 : String) : String