Table of Contents

Component Engine

(NOTE) The AnimationGraph component controls animation for an individual game object. It stores all needed per instance (vs what is shared in the animation resource) manages the current time and enumerates the animation sets. The AnimationGraph can animate multiple child objects and properties enabling bone animation, and other hierarchical animations.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor Active component
CreateBasicNode ActiveNode
CreateChainNode TimeScale


Active : boolean

Is the animGraph animating?

var Active : Boolean

ActiveNode : animationnode

The current root animation node.

var ActiveNode : AnimationNode

TimeScale : real

A scalar to the entire animation graph.

var TimeScale : Real


AnimationGraph : Void


Constructor / destructor. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function AnimationGraph()

CreateBasicNode : basicanimation

Node creation functions. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |animation|animation| | |mode|AnimationPlayMode| |

function CreateBasicNode(animation : Animation, mode : AnimationPlayMode) : BasicAnimation

CreateChainNode : chainnode

Name Type Description
function CreateChainNode() : ChainNode

CreateCrossBlendNode : crossblend

Name Type Description
function CreateCrossBlendNode() : CrossBlend

CreateDirectBlendNode : directblend

Name Type Description
function CreateDirectBlendNode() : DirectBlend

CreateSelectiveNode : selectivenode

Name Type Description
function CreateSelectiveNode() : SelectiveNode

IsPlayingInGraph : boolean

Name Type Description
animation animation
function IsPlayingInGraph(animation : Animation) : Boolean

PrintGraph : Void

Name Type Description
function PrintGraph()

Update : Void

Updates the root node on each from and applies it to the object tree. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |dt|real| |

function Update(dt : Real)