Table of Contents

Component Engine

(NOTE) A spline that builds its control points from all child cogs that have Transforms.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
ForceRebuild Closed component
Constructor DebugDrawSpline
RebuildIfModified Error


Closed : boolean

Does the spline loop back on itself?

var Closed : Boolean

DebugDrawSpline : boolean

Should the spline draw every frame? Mainly used for debugging purposes.

var DebugDrawSpline : Boolean

Error : real

The max number of units that a line segment is allowed to deviate from the curve.

var Error : Real

Spline : spline


The internal spline data.

var Spline : Spline

SplineColor : real4

What color should that spline be drawn with.

var SplineColor : Real4

SplineType : SplineType

The kind of spline (Linear, BSpline, CatmullRom). Determines how the control points affect the curve.

var SplineType : SplineType


ForceRebuild : Void

Forcibly rebuilds the baked points for the spline. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function ForceRebuild()

HierarchySpline : Void


Name Type Description
function HierarchySpline()

RebuildIfModified : Void

Rebuild the baked points if there are any changes to the spline's control points. This should never need to be manually called. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function RebuildIfModified()