Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) A PulleyJoint turns two StickJoints into a pulley via a pulley ratio. A PulleyJoint connects the two free objects of two different stick joints. These two objects will then be bound to move together via the formula "length0 + ratio * length1 = 0". Limits, motors and springs should not be used on a pulley.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor JointA joint


JointA : cog

The joint connected to ObjectA that the pulley operates on.

var JointA : Cog

JointAPath : cogpath

The joint connected to ObjectA that the pulley operates on.

var JointAPath : CogPath

JointB : cog

The joint connected to ObjectB that the pulley operates on.

var JointB : Cog

JointBPath : cogpath

The joint connected to ObjectB that the pulley operates on.

var JointBPath : CogPath

Ratio : real

The ratio between the two stick joints. The ratio is used in the formula "length0 + ratio * length1 = 0".

var Ratio : Real


PulleyJoint : Void


Name Type Description
function PulleyJoint()