(NOTE) A space is a near boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position, direction, and time. Essentially a world of objects that exist together. Used to divide objects between UI, World, Editor, and others. The two most Common spaces are the 'World' for the game world and the 'Ui' for the HUD and menus.
AllObjects : spacerange
var AllObjects : SpaceRange
AllRootObjects : hierarchylistrange
var AllRootObjects : HierarchyListRange
CurrentLevel : level
Last level loaded.
var CurrentLevel : Level
IsEditorMode : boolean
var IsEditorMode : Boolean
ObjectCount : integer
Number of objects in the space.
var ObjectCount : Integer
AddObjectsFromLevel : level
Add all objects from a level. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |levelName|level| |
function AddObjectsFromLevel(levelName : Level) : Level
Create : cog
Create an object in the space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |archetype|archetype| |
function Create(archetype : Archetype) : Cog
CreateAtPosition : cog
Create a object at a position in the space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |archetype|archetype| | |position|real3| |
function CreateAtPosition(archetype : Archetype, position : Real3) : Cog
CreateLink : cog
Name Type Description archetype archetype objectA cog objectB cog function CreateLink(archetype : Archetype, objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog) : Cog
DestroyAll : Void
Destroy all objects in space. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function DestroyAll()
DestroyAllFromLevel : Void
Destroy all objects created from level. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function DestroyAllFromLevel()
FindAllObjectsByName : cognamerange
Find an object in the space with a given name. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |name|string| |
function FindAllObjectsByName(name : String) : CogNameRange
FindFirstObjectByName : cog
Name Type Description name string function FindFirstObjectByName(name : String) : Cog
FindFirstRootObjectByName : cog
Name Type Description name string function FindFirstRootObjectByName(name : String) : Cog
FindLastObjectByName : cog
Name Type Description name string function FindLastObjectByName(name : String) : Cog
FindLastRootObjectByName : cog
Name Type Description name string function FindLastRootObjectByName(name : String) : Cog
FindObjectByName : cog
Find an object in the space with a given name. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |name|string| |
function FindObjectByName(name : String) : Cog
GetModified : boolean
Name Type Description function GetModified() : Boolean
LoadLevel : Void
Load new level replace the current level. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |level|level| |
function LoadLevel(level : Level)
MarkModified : Void
Name Type Description function MarkModified()
MarkNotModified : Void
Clears all modifications on this Cog. Does not clear LocalModificationOverride properties. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function MarkNotModified()
ReloadLevel : Void
Reload the current level. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function ReloadLevel()
Space : Void
Name Type Description function Space()