Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) Applies a force about an axis at the object's center. This will apply two forces to a body: One pulls the object towards the center of the vortex and the other applies a tangential force. Useful to model a vortex. This only expects to be used as a Region effect.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor EndCondition physicseffect


EndCondition : PhysicsEffectEndCondition

How the interpolation should be handled at MaxDistance. ClampToMax will clamp to the max strength values. NoEffect will ignore the effect. ContinueFalloff will continue the interpolation (this may go negative).

var EndCondition : PhysicsEffectEndCondition

InterpolationType : PhysicsEffectInterpolationType

The type of interpolation used (e.g. Linear, Quadratic) for the forces.

var InterpolationType : PhysicsEffectInterpolationType

InwardStrengthAtMaxDistance : real

The inward strength of the vortex at the max distance.

var InwardStrengthAtMaxDistance : Real

InwardStrengthAtMinDistance : real

The inward strength of the vortex at the min distance.

var InwardStrengthAtMinDistance : Real

LocalAxis : boolean

Determines if the vortex axis is in world or local space.

var LocalAxis : Boolean

MaxDistance : real

The max distance that attenuation will happen at. If an object is between min and max distance, the value will be attenuated. If the object is further away, the effect strength will be determined by EndCondition.

var MaxDistance : Real

MinDistance : real

The first distance at which attenuation will start. If an object is under the min distance, the min strength values will be used. If an object is in between min and max, then it will attenuate.

var MinDistance : Real

TwistStrengthAtMaxDistance : real

The perpendicular strength (twist) of the vortex at max distance.

var TwistStrengthAtMaxDistance : Real

TwistStrengthAtMinDistance : real

The perpendicular strength (twist) of the vortex at min distance.

var TwistStrengthAtMinDistance : Real

VortexAxis : real3

The axis the vortex spins about.

var VortexAxis : Real3

WorldVortexAxis : real3


The axis the vortex spins about in world space.

var WorldVortexAxis : Real3


VortexEffect : Void


Name Type Description
function VortexEffect()