(NOTE) Manages all setup between Camera, Renderer, and viewport UI that is required to define how anything is to be rendered.
Camera : camera
Find the Camera component from the CameraPath (or null if it doesn't exist).
var Camera : Camera
CameraPath : cogpath
Object with the Camera component to be used for rendering. A Camera can only be used by one CameraViewport, if already used by another usage will be stolen when assigned.
var CameraPath : CogPath
FinalTexture : texture
Texture that contains the end result of this CameraViewport's rendering. Must be explicitly written to in renderer script.
var FinalTexture : Texture
ForwardViewportEvents : boolean
Forwards mouse events to viewports underneath this viewport.
var ForwardViewportEvents : Boolean
Frustum : frustum
Creates a frustum using the CameraViewport's settings (including aspect ratio). If the Camera is null, then this will throw an exception.
var Frustum : Frustum
MarginColor : real4
Color to used for letterbox/scaling margins.
var MarginColor : Real4
MouseWorldRay : ray
Get the world ray starting from the mouse.
var MouseWorldRay : Ray
NormalizedOffset : real2
Offset of the viewport in normalized UI coordinates.
var NormalizedOffset : Real2
NormalizedSize : real2
Size of viewport in normalized UI coordinates.
var NormalizedSize : Real2
RendererPath : cogpath
Object with renderer script that connects to RenderTasksUpdate that determines what rendering will be done.
var RendererPath : CogPath
RenderInEditor : boolean
If rendering will be ran in edit mode.
var RenderInEditor : Boolean
RenderInGame : boolean
If rendering will be ran in play game mode.
var RenderInGame : Boolean
RenderOrder : integer
The order that rendering should be done relative to other CameraViewports, lowest to highest.
var RenderOrder : Integer
RenderToViewport : boolean
If the rendering result in FinalTexture should also be placed on the UI viewport.
var RenderToViewport : Boolean
ResolutionOrAspect : integer2
var ResolutionOrAspect : Integer2
ViewportHasFocus : boolean
If the viewport created by this CameraViewport, if rendering to one, has focus.
var ViewportHasFocus : Boolean
ViewportOffset : real2
The current offset of the viewport, in pixels.
var ViewportOffset : Real2
ViewportOffsetWithMargin : real2
The current offset of the viewport's margin, in pixels.
var ViewportOffsetWithMargin : Real2
ViewportResolution : real2
The current resolution of the viewport.
var ViewportResolution : Real2
ViewportResolutionWithMargin : real2
The current resolution of the viewport including margin.
var ViewportResolutionWithMargin : Real2
ViewportScaling : ViewportScaling
Method to use for sizing the viewport.
var ViewportScaling : ViewportScaling
ViewToPerspective : real4x4
Transformation that defines how the view frustum is mapped to normalized coordinates, pre W divide.
var ViewToPerspective : Real4x4
WorldToPerspective : real4x4
Concatenation of the WorldToView and ViewToPerspective transformations.
var WorldToPerspective : Real4x4
WorldToView : real4x4
Transformation that defines view space as the Camera at the origin and the view direction as -Z.
var WorldToView : Real4x4
CameraViewport : Void
Name Type Description function CameraViewport()
ScreenToViewport : real2
Convert a screen point to a point relative to the viewport. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |screenPoint|real2| |
function ScreenToViewport(screenPoint : Real2) : Real2
ScreenToWorldPlane : real3
Convert the screen point to a position on a given plane. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |screenPoint|real2| | |worldPlaneNormal|real3| | |worldPlanePosition|real3| |
function ScreenToWorldPlane(screenPoint : Real2, worldPlaneNormal : Real3, worldPlanePosition : Real3) : Real3
ScreenToWorldRay : ray
Convert a screen point to a ray. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |screenPoint|real2| |
function ScreenToWorldRay(screenPoint : Real2) : Ray
ScreenToWorldViewPlane : real3
Convert the screen point to a position on the view plane at a given depth. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |screenPoint|real2| | |viewDepth|real| |
function ScreenToWorldViewPlane(screenPoint : Real2, viewDepth : Real) : Real3
ScreenToWorldZPlane : real3
Convert the screen point to a position on the z plane at a given depth. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |screenPoint|real2| | |worldDepth|real| |
function ScreenToWorldZPlane(screenPoint : Real2, worldDepth : Real) : Real3
ViewPlaneSize : real2
Size of the screen at a Depth. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |viewDepth|real| |
function ViewPlaneSize(viewDepth : Real) : Real2
ViewportTakeFocus : boolean
Returns whether or not it succeeded in taking focus. Will always fail if RenderToViewport is false. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function ViewportTakeFocus() : Boolean
ViewportToScreen : real2
Convert a viewport point to a screen point. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |viewportPoint|real2| |
function ViewportToScreen(viewportPoint : Real2) : Real2
WorldToScreen : real2
Convert a world point to a screen point. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldPoint|real3| |
function WorldToScreen(worldPoint : Real3) : Real2