Table of Contents


(NOTE) A helper class to create joints of various configurations. Each joint is configured from two points. Any other specific joint properties are calculated from these two points.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
AddJointLimit AttachToCommonParent
AddJointMotor AttachToWorld
AddJointSpring AutoSnaps
Create OverrideLength
CreateLocalPoints UseCenter


AttachToCommonParent : boolean

Should the cog of the joint be added as a child of the common parent of the two given cogs? Useful for putting the joint in the same hierarchy so that archetypes can be created.

var AttachToCommonParent : Boolean

AttachToWorld : boolean

Used to create a connection to a dummy object. Instead of connecting to object B, the connection will be between object A and "the world".

var AttachToWorld : Boolean

AutoSnaps : boolean

Should the joint auto-snap when the force limit is reached?

var AutoSnaps : Boolean

OverrideLength : boolean

Should the length of the joint be overridden or computed from the two points? Mainly used for StickJoint.

var OverrideLength : Boolean

UseCenter : boolean

Should the center of each object be used instead of the given points?

var UseCenter : Boolean


AddJointLimit : jointlimit

Add a JointLimit to the given joint cog. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |joint|cog| |

function AddJointLimit(joint : Cog) : JointLimit

AddJointMotor : jointmotor

Add a JointMotor to the given joint cog. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |joint|cog| |

function AddJointMotor(joint : Cog) : JointMotor

AddJointSpring : jointspring

Add a JointSpring to the given joint cog. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |joint|cog| |

function AddJointSpring(joint : Cog) : JointSpring

Create : cog

Create a joint (by archetype) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointArchetype|archetype| |

function Create(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointArchetype : Archetype) : Cog

Create : cog

Create a joint (by component name) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointName|string| |

function Create(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointName : String) : Cog

CreateLocalPoints : cog

Create a joint (by archetype) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointArchetype|archetype| | |localPointA|real3| | |localPointB|real3| |

function CreateLocalPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointArchetype : Archetype, localPointA : Real3, localPointB : Real3) : Cog

CreateLocalPoints : cog

Create a joint (by component name) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointName|string| | |localPointA|real3| | |localPointB|real3| |

function CreateLocalPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointName : String, localPointA : Real3, localPointB : Real3) : Cog

CreateWorldPoints : cog

Create a joint (by archetype) attached to the two given cogs. Both world points on the joint are set to the same world point value. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointArchetype|archetype| | |bothWorldPoints|real3| |

function CreateWorldPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointArchetype : Archetype, bothWorldPoints : Real3) : Cog

CreateWorldPoints : cog

Create a joint (by archetype) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointArchetype|archetype| | |worldPointA|real3| | |worldPointB|real3| |

function CreateWorldPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointArchetype : Archetype, worldPointA : Real3, worldPointB : Real3) : Cog

CreateWorldPoints : cog

Create a joint (by component name) attached to the two given cogs. Both world points on the joint are set to the same world point value. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointName|string| | |bothWorldPoints|real3| |

function CreateWorldPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointName : String, bothWorldPoints : Real3) : Cog

CreateWorldPoints : cog

Create a joint (by component name) attached to the two given cogs. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |objectA|cog| | |objectB|cog| | |jointName|string| | |worldPointA|real3| | |worldPointB|real3| |

function CreateWorldPoints(objectA : Cog, objectB : Cog, jointName : String, worldPointA : Real3, worldPointB : Real3) : Cog

JointCreator : Void


Name Type Description
function JointCreator()