Table of Contents

Component Physics

(NOTE) Defines the collision for a generic mesh from a collection of triangles ( PhysicsMesh resource). This collider type is not expected to have a dynamic or kinematic RigidBody.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
Constructor DrawEdges collider


DrawEdges : boolean

Whether to debug draw the edges of each triangle.

var DrawEdges : Boolean

DrawFaceNormals : boolean

Whether to debug draw the normals of each triangle.

var DrawFaceNormals : Boolean

DrawFaces : boolean

Whether to debug draw the faces of each triangle.

var DrawFaces : Boolean

PhysicsMesh : physicsmesh

The mesh resource used to define collision. This mesh is just a surface mesh of triangles (no volume is defined).

var PhysicsMesh : PhysicsMesh


MeshCollider : Void


Name Type Description
function MeshCollider()