Table of Contents

Component Graphics

(NOTE) An interface for generating and managing particles of a generic definition using emitters and animators.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
AllParticles BoundingBoxSize graphical spriteparticlesystem
Clear ChildSystem


BoundingBoxSize : real

Size of all sides of the bounding box used for frustum culling.

var BoundingBoxSize : Real

ChildSystem : boolean

If set, particle emission will happen for each particle in a parent system.

var ChildSystem : Boolean

PreviewInEditor : boolean

If the particle system should run on frame update in the editor instead of logic update.

var PreviewInEditor : Boolean

SystemSpace : SystemSpace

If particles are emitted into world space or if transform data remains relative to the transform of the system object.

var SystemSpace : SystemSpace

WarmUpTime : real

The amount of time to simulate the particle system on startup. This will be done on AllObjectsCreated, and will use the engines dt. This is good for when you want the particle effect to be in full bloom when you first see it. However, it can hurt performance at high values on startup.

var WarmUpTime : Real


AllParticles : particlelistrange

A list of all particles currently active in the system. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function AllParticles() : ParticleListRange

Clear : Void

Clear all current particles. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|

function Clear()