Table of Contents

Component Graphics

(NOTE) Base interface for components that require rendering.

Methods Properties Base Classes Derived Classes
GroupSortValue component basesprite
LocalAabbCenter debuggraphical
LocalAabbHalfExtents heightmapmodel
Material model
OverrideBoundingBox particlesystem
ShaderInputs skinnedmodel


GroupSortValue : integer

Can be used by a RenderGroup to define draw order, from lowest to highest.

var GroupSortValue : Integer

LocalAabbCenter : real3

Center of the bounding box defined in local space, world transform will be applied.

var LocalAabbCenter : Real3

LocalAabbHalfExtents : real3

Half extents of the bounding box defined in local space, world transform will be applied.

var LocalAabbHalfExtents : Real3

Material : material

The composition of shader fragments that determines how the graphical is rendered.

var Material : Material

OverrideBoundingBox : boolean

Manually set the bounding box that is used for frustum culling.

var OverrideBoundingBox : Boolean

ShaderInputs : shaderinputs

List of shader inputs to be manually overridden only on this object.

var ShaderInputs : ShaderInputs

ViewCulling : boolean

If the graphical should not be drawn when its bounding volume is outside of the view frustum.

var ViewCulling : Boolean

VisibilityEvents : boolean

If object receives events when entering/exiting the view of an active camera.

var VisibilityEvents : Boolean

Visible : boolean

If the graphical should be drawn.

var Visible : Boolean

WorldAabb : aabb


The world space axis aligned bounding volume that is used for frustum culling.

var WorldAabb : Aabb
