(NOTE) Interface for adding tasks for the renderer, essentially defining a rendering pipeline.
Methods | Properties | Base Classes | Derived Classes |
AddRenderTaskClearTarget | CameraViewportCog | event | |
AddRenderTaskPostProcess | ViewportSize | ||
AddRenderTaskRenderPass | |||
AddRenderTaskSubRenderGroupPass | |||
CreateSubRenderGroupPass | |||
GetFinalTarget | |||
GetRenderTarget |
CameraViewportCog : cog
Object with the CameraViewport component that this event is getting tasks for.
var CameraViewportCog : Cog
ViewportSize : integer2
Size of the UI viewport, or the resolution on CameraViewport if not rendering to viewport.
var ViewportSize : Integer2
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |color|real4| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(renderSettings : RenderSettings, color : Real4)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(renderSettings : RenderSettings, color : Real4, depth : Real)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(renderSettings : RenderSettings, color : Real4, depth : Real, stencil : Integer)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| | |stencilWriteMask|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(renderSettings : RenderSettings, color : Real4, depth : Real, stencil : Integer, stencilWriteMask : Integer)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |depth|real| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(depthTarget : RenderTarget, depth : Real)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(depthTarget : RenderTarget, depth : Real, stencil : Integer)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| | |stencilWriteMask|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(depthTarget : RenderTarget, depth : Real, stencil : Integer, stencilWriteMask : Integer)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |colorTarget|rendertarget| | |color|real4| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(colorTarget : RenderTarget, color : Real4)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |colorTarget|rendertarget| | |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(colorTarget : RenderTarget, depthTarget : RenderTarget, color : Real4, depth : Real)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |colorTarget|rendertarget| | |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(colorTarget : RenderTarget, depthTarget : RenderTarget, color : Real4, depth : Real, stencil : Integer)
AddRenderTaskClearTarget : Void
Initializes all the internal texture data for the given RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |colorTarget|rendertarget| | |depthTarget|rendertarget| | |color|real4| | |depth|real| | |stencil|integer| | |stencilWriteMask|integer| |
function AddRenderTaskClearTarget(colorTarget : RenderTarget, depthTarget : RenderTarget, color : Real4, depth : Real, stencil : Integer, stencilWriteMask : Integer)
AddRenderTaskPostProcess : Void
Invokes the pixel shader for every pixel of the RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |material|material| |
function AddRenderTaskPostProcess(renderSettings : RenderSettings, material : Material)
AddRenderTaskPostProcess : Void
Invokes the pixel shader for every pixel of the RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |postProcess|materialblock| |
function AddRenderTaskPostProcess(renderSettings : RenderSettings, postProcess : MaterialBlock)
AddRenderTaskPostProcess : Void
Invokes the pixel shader for every pixel of the RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderTarget|rendertarget| | |material|material| |
function AddRenderTaskPostProcess(renderTarget : RenderTarget, material : Material)
AddRenderTaskPostProcess : Void
Invokes the pixel shader for every pixel of the RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderTarget|rendertarget| | |postProcess|materialblock| |
function AddRenderTaskPostProcess(renderTarget : RenderTarget, postProcess : MaterialBlock)
AddRenderTaskRenderPass : Void
Renders a group of objects with the given settings. The RenderPass fragment defines what data is written to RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |graphicalRange|graphicalrangeinterface| | |renderPass|materialblock| |
function AddRenderTaskRenderPass(renderSettings : RenderSettings, graphicalRange : GraphicalRangeInterface, renderPass : MaterialBlock)
AddRenderTaskRenderPass : Void
Renders a group of objects with the given settings. The RenderPass fragment defines what data is written to RenderTargets. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |renderSettings|rendersettings| | |renderGroup|rendergroup| | |renderPass|materialblock| |
function AddRenderTaskRenderPass(renderSettings : RenderSettings, renderGroup : RenderGroup, renderPass : MaterialBlock)
AddRenderTaskSubRenderGroupPass : Void
Renders all objects within a RenderGroup hierarchy, sorted in the order defined by the base RenderGroup, and can use unique render settings for each RenderGroup in the hierarchy. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |subRenderGroupPass|subrendergrouppass| |
function AddRenderTaskSubRenderGroupPass(subRenderGroupPass : SubRenderGroupPass)
CreateSubRenderGroupPass : subrendergrouppass
Creates the interface used to define unique render settings for a base RenderGroup and its sub RenderGroups. The given RenderGroup is used to define the hierarchy, or sub hierarchy, that should be rendered. The given RenderGroup also defines the sort order for all objects that are within its hierarchy. Returned SubRenderGroupPass is only valid during this event. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |baseGroup|rendergroup| |
function CreateSubRenderGroupPass(baseGroup : RenderGroup) : SubRenderGroupPass
GetFinalTarget : rendertarget
Name Type Description integer2 TextureFormat function GetFinalTarget( : Integer2, : TextureFormat) : RenderTarget
GetFinalTarget : rendertarget
Name Type Description integer2 TextureFormat samplersettings function GetFinalTarget( : Integer2, : TextureFormat, : SamplerSettings) : RenderTarget
GetRenderTarget : rendertarget
Returns a RenderTarget for use when adding render tasks. Target only valid during this event. Will render to the given texture instead of an internally managed texture. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| ||integer2| | ||TextureFormat| |
function GetRenderTarget( : Integer2, : TextureFormat) : RenderTarget
GetRenderTarget : rendertarget
Returns a RenderTarget for use when adding render tasks. Target only valid during this event. Will render to the given texture instead of an internally managed texture. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| ||integer2| | ||TextureFormat| | ||samplersettings| |
function GetRenderTarget( : Integer2, : TextureFormat, : SamplerSettings) : RenderTarget
GetRenderTarget : rendertarget
Returns a RenderTarget for use when adding render tasks. Target only valid during this event. Will render to the given texture instead of an internally managed texture. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |texture|texture| |
function GetRenderTarget(texture : Texture) : RenderTarget