(NOTE) The PhysicsSpace is an "instance" of a world. This world manages and stores all of the other physical components of this world. PhysicSpaces act independently of each other.
AllowSleep : boolean
Determines if anything in the space is allowed to fall sleep.
var AllowSleep : Boolean
CollisionTable : collisiontable
The collision table resource used to filter collisions in this space.
var CollisionTable : CollisionTable
Deterministic : boolean
Performs extra work to help enforce determinism in the simulation.
var Deterministic : Boolean
DynamicBroadphaseType : string
What kind of broadphase is used for dynamic objects (those with RigidBodies).
var DynamicBroadphaseType : String
Mode2D : boolean
The default 2D mode for this space. If a RigidBody is set to InheritFromSpace then it will use this value.
var Mode2D : Boolean
PhysicsSolverConfig : physicssolverconfig
The resource that controls how physics solves things. Mostly related to how collision is resolved.
var PhysicsSolverConfig : PhysicsSolverConfig
StaticBroadphaseType : string
What kind of broadphase is used for static objects (those without RigidBodies).
var StaticBroadphaseType : String
SubStepCount : integer
The number of iterations the physics space will take every frame. Used to achieve higher accuracy and increase visual results.
var SubStepCount : Integer
AddHierarchyPairFilter : Void
Adds a filter to ignore collision between both hierarchies passed in. See AddPairFilter for more info. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog1|cog| | |cog2|cog| |
function AddHierarchyPairFilter(cog1 : Cog, cog2 : Cog)
AddPairFilter : Void
Filters two cogs to not resolve collisions with each other. This is a runtime only feature and will not be saved. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog1|cog| | |cog2|cog| |
function AddPairFilter(cog1 : Cog, cog2 : Cog)
CastAabb : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that an Aabb hits using the given filter. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |aabb|aabb| | |maxCount|integer| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastAabb(aabb : Aabb, maxCount : Integer, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CastCollider : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that another collider hits using the given filter. The test collider's position can be offset to test at a different location. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |offset|real3| | |testCollider|collider| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastCollider(offset : Real3, testCollider : Collider, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CastFrustum : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a Frustum hits using the given filter. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |frustum|frustum| | |maxCount|integer| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastFrustum(frustum : Frustum, maxCount : Integer, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CastRay : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a ray hits. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. A default CastFilter will be used. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldRay|ray| | |maxCount|integer| |
function CastRay(worldRay : Ray, maxCount : Integer) : CastResultsRange
CastRay : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a ray hits using the given filter. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldRay|ray| | |maxCount|integer| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastRay(worldRay : Ray, maxCount : Integer, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CastRayFirst : castresult
Finds the first collider that a ray hits. A default CastFilter will be used. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldRay|ray| |
function CastRayFirst(worldRay : Ray) : CastResult
CastRayFirst : castresult
Finds the first collider that a ray hits using the given filter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |worldRay|ray| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastRayFirst(worldRay : Ray, filter : CastFilter) : CastResult
CastSegment : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a line segment hits. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. A default CastFilter will be used. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |segment|segment| | |maxCount|integer| |
function CastSegment(segment : Segment, maxCount : Integer) : CastResultsRange
CastSegment : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a line segment hits using the given filter. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |segment|segment| | |maxCount|integer| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastSegment(segment : Segment, maxCount : Integer, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CastSphere : castresultsrange
Finds all colliders in the space that a Sphere hits using the given filter. This returns up to maxCount number of objects. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |sphere|sphere| | |maxCount|integer| | |filter|castfilter| |
function CastSphere(sphere : Sphere, maxCount : Integer, filter : CastFilter) : CastResultsRange
CreateJoint : cog
Creates a joint by name (e.g. StickJoint) between two cogs. The world points of the joint are both set to worldPoint. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog0|cog| | |cog1|cog| | |jointName|string| | |worldPoint|real3| |
function CreateJoint(cog0 : Cog, cog1 : Cog, jointName : String, worldPoint : Real3) : Cog
DispatchWithinAabb : Void
Dispatches an event to all objects within the given aabb using the provided cast filter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |aabb|aabb| | |filter|castfilter| | |eventName|string| | |toSend|event| |
function DispatchWithinAabb(aabb : Aabb, filter : CastFilter, eventName : String, toSend : Event)
DispatchWithinAabb : Void
Dispatches an event to all objects within the given aabb. Uses the default cast filter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |aabb|aabb| | |eventName|string| | |toSend|event| |
function DispatchWithinAabb(aabb : Aabb, eventName : String, toSend : Event)
DispatchWithinSphere : Void
Dispatches an event to all objects within the given sphere using the provided cast filter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |sphere|sphere| | |filter|castfilter| | |eventName|string| | |toSend|event| |
function DispatchWithinSphere(sphere : Sphere, filter : CastFilter, eventName : String, toSend : Event)
DispatchWithinSphere : Void
Dispatches an event to all objects within the given sphere. Uses the default cast filter. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |sphere|sphere| | |eventName|string| | |toSend|event| |
function DispatchWithinSphere(sphere : Sphere, eventName : String, toSend : Event)
FlushPhysicsQueue : Void
Forces all queued computations in physics to be updated now. Should only be used for debugging. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---|
function FlushPhysicsQueue()
PhysicsSpace : Void
Name Type Description function PhysicsSpace()
RemoveHierarchyPairFilter : Void
Removes the filters between both hierarchies. See RemovePairFilter for more info. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog1|cog| | |cog2|cog| |
function RemoveHierarchyPairFilter(cog1 : Cog, cog2 : Cog)
RemovePairFilter : Void
Removes the filter between two cogs allowing collisions to be computed as normal. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog1|cog| | |cog2|cog| |
function RemovePairFilter(cog1 : Cog, cog2 : Cog)
SweepCollider : sweepresultrange
Performs a swept cast with a collider's shape and a given velocity. Returns a range of all objects the collider could've hit within 'dt' time. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |collider|collider| | |velocity|real3| | |dt|real| | |filter|castfilter| |
function SweepCollider(collider : Collider, velocity : Real3, dt : Real, filter : CastFilter) : SweepResultRange
WhyAreTheyNotColliding : string
Returns a debug string stating why physics does or doesn't think these two objects should be colliding. |Name|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |cog1|cog| | |cog2|cog| |
function WhyAreTheyNotColliding(cog1 : Cog, cog2 : Cog) : String