This lesson covers levels in the Zilch Engine.
Learning Objectives
- Creating new levels
- Loading and reloading levels
- Setting the StartingLevel
Level Setup
- Command : New Project
- Create a new project using the {nav icon=clone, name=Empty 2D Project} template
What is a Level?
A Level resource is a resource that stores a list of objects. These objects are created when the level is loaded.
Creating a New Level
Levels are added to the project in basically the same way as any other resource: by adding a resource using one of the pre-defined resource templates.
Zilch's Level templates
Zilch's built-in Level templates are like shortcuts for creating levels of different kinds: they've already got the important cogs, like renderers and cameras, and they're pre-configured to be suitable for the chosen type of level. The {nav icon=clone, name="2D Level"} template provides a forward renderer and an orthographic camera, perfect for a simple 2D game.
- Create a Level resource using the {nav icon=clone, name="2D Level"} template and name it
- Select : Renderer object
- In the
Properties Window
- Under
- Set ClearColor to
[R:16, G:78, B:32, A:1.00]
- Command : CreateSpriteText
- In the
Properties Window
- Rename SpriteText object to
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[0, 5, 0]
- Under SpriteText
- Set Text to
- Level 1 -
- Set PixelsPerUnit to
Level 1
(NOTE) A Closer Look:
Take a look at the Objects Window
This is the list of objects in this level. In a sense, this list is this level, since a level is basically a list of objects. These objects are stored in the Level resource resource, listed as they are here, each with its properties as set in the
Properties Window
. When the level is loaded, each of these objects is created and initialized.
Creating a Player
There's no sense in having a level if there's no player, eh?
- Command : Add Resource
- Create a NadaScript resource using the Component template template and name it
- Update the
script to the following:
class KeyboardMovement : NadaComponent
[Dependency] var Transform : Transform;
var UpKey : Keys = Keys.Up;
var DownKey : Keys = Keys.Down;
var RightKey : Keys = Keys.Right;
var LeftKey : Keys = Keys.Left;
var Speed : Real = 8;
var MinBounds : Real3 = Real3(-12, -8, 0.5);
var MaxBounds : Real3 = Real3( 12, 8, 0.5);
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zilch.Connect(this.Space, Events.LogicUpdate, this.OnLogicUpdate);
function OnLogicUpdate(event : UpdateEvent)
var movement = Real3.Zero;
if (Zilch.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(this.UpKey))
movement += Real3.YAxis;
if (Zilch.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(this.DownKey))
movement -= Real3.YAxis;
if (Zilch.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(this.RightKey))
movement += Real3.XAxis;
if (Zilch.Keyboard.KeyIsDown(this.LeftKey))
movement -= Real3.XAxis;
var newPosition = this.Transform.LocalTranslation + movement * this.Speed * event.Dt;
this.Transform.LocalTranslation = Math.Clamp(newPosition, this.MinBounds, this.MaxBounds);
In the
Properties Window
Rename Sprite object to
Under Transform
Set Translation to
[0, 0, 0.5]
Under Sprite
Set VertexColor to
[R:64, G:255, B:160, A:1.00]
Set SpriteSource to
Add Component :
Under SphereCollider
Set Ghost checkBox to
Add Component :
Under RigidBody
Set DynamicState enum to
Add Component :
Player moving around in Level 1
You can move the player with the arrow keys.
Now let's make a Level 2 to go to from Level 1.
Creating Another Level
- In the
Library Window
- Under the Level tag
- {nav icon=mouse-pointer, name="Right click"} the
Level resource - Select Duplicate to create a copy of
- Rename the
Level resource toLevel2
- Open the
Level resource
Level 2 should be visually distinct from Level 1.
- Select : LevelNameText object
- In the
Properties Window
- Under
- Set Text to
- Level 2 -
- Select : Renderer object
- In the
Properties Window
- Under
- Set ClearColor to
[R:48, G:59, B:84, A:1.00]
Level 2
Now let's make some way of going between Level 1 and Level 2.
Loading a Level in the Game
Going from one level to another is as simple as calling the space's LoadLevel function. Let's make a door: an object that calls that function when the player touches it.
- Command : Add Resource
- Create a NadaScript resource using the Component template template and name it
- Update the
script to the following:
class LoadLevelOnCollisionStarted : NadaComponent
var LevelToLoad : Level;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zilch.Connect(this.Owner, Events.CollisionStarted, this.OnCollisionStarted);
function OnCollisionStarted(event : CollisionEvent)
// If the other object in this collision has a KeyboardMovement component,
// then it must be the player
if (event.OtherObject.KeyboardMovement != null)
- Command : CreateSprite
- In the
Properties Window
- Rename Sprite object to
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[-5, 3, 0]
- Set Scale to
[2, 3, 1]
- Under Sprite
- Set VertexColor to
[R:230, G:23, B:57, A:1.00]
- Add Component :
- Under BoxCollider
- Set Ghost checkBox to
- Add Component :
- Under
- Set LevelToLoad resource to
Level 2 now has a door
- Command : Copy the Door object
- Open the Level resource named
- Command : Paste the Door object
- In the
Properties Window
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[5, -4, 0]
- Under
- Set LevelToLoad resource to
Level 1 now has a door
If you move the player to the door, the other level is loaded.
(NOTE) A Closer Look: When the player touches the door in Level 1, Level 2 is loaded. So what happens to Level 1? When a space's LoadLevel function is called, first, all the objects in that space are destroyed: the player, the door, the camera, the renderer, all of them. Then, all the objects in Level 2 are created. This happens every time a space changes levels.
Reloading a Level
Just as the space has a function to load a level, it also has a function to reload the current level.
- Command : Add Resource
- Create a NadaScript resource using the Component template template and name it
- Update the
script to the following:
class ReloadLevelOnKeyDown : NadaComponent
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zilch.Connect(Zilch.Keyboard, Events.KeyDown, this.OnKeyDown);
function OnKeyDown(event : KeyboardEvent)
if (event.Key == Keys.R && event.CtrlPressed)
Calling the ReloadLevel function does the same thing as calling the LoadLevel function and passing in the current level.
- Command : Select the Space
- In the
Properties Window
- Add Component :
- Command : PlayGame
You can now reload the level by pressing key Ctrl + R
(NOTE)A Closer Look: Reloading a level is just the same as loading it again, so it goes through the same process. First, everything present is destroyed. Then, everything in the level is created anew. This means that all of its objects, and all of their components, are reinitialized. However, this does not destroy the space that contains the level, which is only initialized when it is created, and destroyed when the user explicitly destroys it in script (or when the game ends).
Setting a Game's Starting Level
When a Zilch game is played in the editor, the default game setup loads the level that is currently being edited. When the game is exported, however, this isn't necessarily the first level to be loaded. As a matter of fact, there is a component on the GameSession aptly named DefaultGameSetup, which manages this.
- Command : Select the Game
- In the
Properties Window
- Expand DefaultGameSetup
Here, we can see some useful properties: StartingSpace enum specifies the archetype to use for creating the game's default space. StartingLevel enum determines which level is loaded into that space after it's created. LoadEditingLevel checkBox tells the engine whether it should override the starting level when the game is being run in the editor, and instead load the level that's being edited.
Let's make a new level, a title screen, and set it as the starting level.
Creating a Title Screen
- Command : Add Resource
- Create a Level resource using the {nav icon=clone, name="2D Level"} template and name it
- Command : CreateSpriteText
- In the
Properties Window
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[0, 3, 0]
- Under SpriteText
- Set Text to
Azomarith's Revenge 2: Shadows of the Fallen
- Set PixelsPerUnit to
- Command : CreateSpriteText
- In the
Properties Window
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[0, 2, 0]
- Under SpriteText
- Set Text to
Game of the Year Edition
- Set FontSize to
- Set PixelsPerUnit to
- Command : CreateSpriteText
- In the
Properties Window
- Under Transform
- Set Translation to
[0, -3, 0]
- Under SpriteText
- Set Text to
Press Enter
- Set FontSize to
- Set PixelsPerUnit to
- Command : Select the Game
- In the
Properties Window
- Under DefaultGameSetup
- Set StartingLevel enum to
- Set LoadEditingLevel checkBox to
- Open the Level resource named
- Command : PlayGame
Even though we're editing Level 1, the editor loads the title screen, thanks to how the DefaultGameSetup has been configured.
Next, we need a component to load Level 1 from the title screen.
- Open the Level resource named
- Command : Add Resource
- Create a NadaScript resource using the Component template template and name it
- Update the
script to the following:
class LoadLevelOnKeyDown : NadaComponent
var LevelToLoad : Level = Level.Level1;
var Key : Keys = Keys.Enter;
function Initialize(init : CogInitializer)
Zilch.Connect(Zilch.Keyboard, Events.KeyDown, this.OnKeyDown);
function OnKeyDown(event : KeyboardEvent)
if (event.Key == this.Key)
- Select : LevelSettings object
- In the
Properties Window
- Add Component :
- Open the Level resource named
- Command : PlayGame
The game starts with the title screen, then goes to Level 1
Now the game always starts with the title screen, and from there goes into Level 1 via the Enter
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Development Task
- {T1172}